Saturday, March 9, 2013

Cold and Allergy and Flu Remedies

There is a really great cold/allergy med that was the grandfather of all the meds. It was invented by the scientist trying to find a cure for the common cold.
(His son dated one of my friends – thus I know this story)
He realized that this cold/allergy discovery was important to help the body to stop congestion from forming and getting infected… he donated it to all the medical organizations in the world for free as long as they would offer it to the public at cost.
A long time ago it was donated to the American Medical Association with the stipulation that it be sold to the public for cost ($1 to $2 for 100 pills) so you can ask any pharmacist at any grocery store for it. The AMA took it and added a bunch of sleepy stuff and other weird things and that became other meds that we know the brand names of today for a lot more money.
It is Chlorpheniramine Maleate . Take it when you first feel itchy or have cold symptoms. It works quickly and you can take one every 3-5 hours if you need to. I only need one a day on my bad allergy days.
This same scientist (Linus Pauling) later went on to win the Nobel Prize for the chelation of vitamins. (vitamins need to work together for optimum effect)
CONGESTION: You can take the allergy med Chlorpheniramine Maleate  to stop congestion from forming and Guaifenesin to get rid of the congestion you already have. They work well together and the generic liquid form  of Guifed is good and inexpensive.

Also during and after you've been sick don't forget to change out your toothbrush, towels, pillowcase/bedding, and disinfect areas where you touch so others don't get sick: door handles, fridge and cabinet handles and kitchen surfaces, light switches

( Cheap and the most effective. )
Have a Hot water drink first thing when you feel it coming on:
·         2 Tablespoons Vinegar
·         2 Tablespoons of Lemon (or 2 drops of essential oil lemon)
·         2 Tablespoons Honey
·         Dash of Cinnamon
Take 1 or 2 Echinacea Goldenseal from the local grocery store pharmacy helps singers 
Take a Q-tip and dip it in Hydrogen Peroxide to clean out your ears 
Sniff the Nasal Saline once a day (or Vaseline also works if you don't have this)

AIRBORNE helps to build the immune system. It was invented by a school teacher who didn't want to catch all the colds and flu's her children would bring to school. It dissolves in water like an Alka Seltzer and has 1000 mg of vitamin C, Zinc and several other herbs that build your immune system. If I wake up with a little sore throat I take an Airborne and go back to bed for another 5 minutes until I feel my immune system is up again. Also, it is good if you've been in public around someone coughing and you feel vulnerable to their cold to come home and take should help you feel better.


When you have a cough at night...rub 'Vicks Vaporub' or 'Mentholatum' on your feet then cover them with socks. the coughing should stop in 5 minutes and it is also soothing and comforting. You or your child should sleep soundly.
You may also boil water to get moisture in the air or put on a humidifier if you live in a dry climate.

Take Tylonal (Acetaminophen) or Advil (Ibuprofen) for your fever.

Also the flu virus can be absorbed by onions- it turns out that flu virus is attracted to onions the way fruit flies are attracted to fruit. In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million people there was this Doctor that visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu. Many of the farmers and their family had contracted it and many died.
The doctor came upon this one farmer and to his surprise, everyone was very healthy. When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different, the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the rooms of the home, (probably only two rooms back then). The doctor couldn't believe it and asked if he could have one of the onions and place it under the microscope. She gave him one and when he did this, he did find the flu virus in the onion. It obviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore, keeping the family healthy.
See it pays to do your genealogy.....You might learn something. Ha ha


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