Saturday, March 9, 2013

Communicating with Babies

I believe babies are very intelligent. They were just an adult spirit just a few moments ago and might have been very excited, and waited a long time to come to Earth and get a body. The day finally arrives and they didn’t realize that it would be so frustrating that they don’t know how to work this new body when they are in fact so intelligent.

I believe they understand most words especially with the emotions that go with them.
Of course babies cry if they are hungry, wet and uncomfortable and need a new diaper, and/or have a tummy ache or gas.  These are new experiences and might also frighten them because they haven’t had these symptoms that have become common place to those of us who have lived on Earth longer.

I talk to them as if they are an adult and can totally understand me.
I like to explain to them that we all had to come to Earth and get a body and we were all frustrated at one time. I then tell them how wonderful life is and how quickly they will learn and one day they will do something very important. Most babies quit crying and listen intently and seem to totally understand.

When someone new comes over to hold them, I introduce them to the baby…this baby doesn’t know or trust them like you do…how would you feel getting passed over to someone you don’t know. I’d cry too. Example: I am a grandmother and if I see my grandbaby for the first time that they actually focus on me, I tell them, “I am your mommy’s mommy. When your mommy was a baby I took care of her just like she is taking care of you.”  Later if my best friend just picked them up for the first time and is talking baby talk to them, I look at the baby and say, “This is Grandma’s best friend Cindy”   If they were starting to fuss they will usually stop.

During parties or gatherings of any kind, I treat the baby as if they are an adult from a foreign country who doesn’t understand the customs yet. I explain the details to them. They always listen and seem much more comfortable.

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