Just 7 pages a day and
you can read all the entire Standard Works in one year.
In reading the Book of
Mormon every morning for breakfast for over 20 years we read the same stories over
and over again…some days it seemed like the check list to check off…and many
others it was magical and it would apply directly to and change your life.
One busy morning I was overwhelmed with all I had to do in my planner. I had fixed breakfast and with the captive audience I was reading the part when Christ had come to America after his crucifixion. He had taught the people the beatitudes and so many aspects of the gospel that he told the people to ponder the words in their hearts and he would return. After all, we all know He had a lot to do. He had already told Mary, “Touch me not, I have not yet ascended to my Father” and He had said, “Other sheep I have which are not of this fold…” to attend to. Then he was returning to his disciples. But he looked into their eyes of love and longing for Him to stay and He wept… Then He asked them for their children and He blest them. It taught me right then at that moment that no matter how busy I was I must always take time for my children.
The Book of Mormon is an amazing book. One morning we were reading about Mormon and Moroni. They were losing the battle with the Lamanites. All their families and friends were dead or wounded. The stench was so bad with all the dead bodies. The Lamanites were coming back through the masses and finishing off all of the wounded. Mormon, the father, had been wounded. The scene was opened up so real to us that morning. Mormon was a big man but so was his son Moroni. I could just hear him, “Dad let me carry you to safety in that cave.” And Mormon, “Son, the plates are heavy, you can’t carry me and the plates, save them. Save all the people that they will affect. Hurry, there isn’t time.” And then, Moronicarried the plates into the cave and watched as they finished off his father.” Many people lost their lives to bring us the Book of Mormon, I pray that at all costs, we will read it.
In 2010 I decided to read the Entire Standard Works in a year. I did the math which came out to 7 pages per day. I started with the Pearl of Great Price then the Old Testament. I read ‘The First Thousand Years’ by Cleon Skousin for some additional insight. I read 2 additional books along side the book of ‘Isaiah’ for additional insight. For the New Testament, I read another book for additional insight into ‘Revelations.’ The Doctrine and Covenants and Book of Mormon were for fall and winter. I realize that each year of your life you go through different things and have more insight into life and people in general, and thus you read it again with an entirely different perspective than last time. We should read the scriptures on a regular basis for that fact alone. Reading the ‘bad news’ in the paper each day seems so depressing but reading the ‘good news’(that’s what the word ‘gospel’ means) each day gives such a positive outlook on the world. It is through the eyes of the Godhead, our creators, and gives me peace that all things will turn out right under his love and direction. Here are just a few of the insights:
Adam and Eve were grandparents and possibly great grandparents before learning why they were offering sacrifices, they were so excited to call a big family conference to tell their children about the Plan of Salvation that the Angel had taught them. My heart ached for them as all their children left them, moved away and did not believe. Then they were excited to finally have Cain and Abel whom they could teach the Plan of Salvation to from birth. Then how sad they were when one died physically and one died spiritually. Finally they had Seth who looked just like Adam except for age you could tell them apart. (Moses 5)
The first recorded missionary was Enoch.
His word was so powerful that his voice alone could move mountains etc…. (Moses 7:13)
Enoch was able to see into other dimensions not visible to the
natural eye and was called a ‘seer’ by some and a wild preacher man by others.
All the believers moved to the ‘City of Enoch’ and when warriors came to battle
against them, Enoch was able to move mountains and rivers and all people were
afraid of them. Enoch and his city will return to the ‘New Jerusalem’ in the
last days. (Moses 7:62-63)
Noah was ten years old when he received the
Priesthood. He was 500 years old before he received his mission call to build
the Ark. (Genesis 5:32) It took him 100 years to build it. (Genesis 7:5)
He built it on a high mountain and it rained many days before the flood waters
reached them. My heart ached for the Noah and his Wife as their wayward
daughters, spouses and children were probably outside the Ark knocking to get
in and the Lord would not let them. The Lord prepared a ‘Spirit Prison’ for
those outside the Ark (Moses 7:38) They were in the Ark one year and 2 days.
They took 2 of every animal and 7 of every sacrificial animal – the smell must
have been really bad and their daily chores must have been to get rid of the
waste from the animals. Ewww!
Abraham’s dad believed in idol Gods and the Priest of
the idol God Elkenah tried to sacrifice Abraham to Elkenah (see the picture
found with the schroll and Abraham 1:7)) Also the priest of the day would
sacrifice righteous children and virgins who didn’t believe in idol Gods.
Abraham ran away from that and received the true gospel and knowledge of the
Pre-Existence, the Creation, the Universe, how time works, and the Plan of
Salvation through the Redeemer with the Urim and Thummim from the Lord – how
hard it must have been for Abraham when the Lord asked him to sacrifice his
only miracle son that he was able to have when his wife was 90 years old. My
heart ached for him in that realization and yet obedience to the truth and
relief when a lamb was furnished. How obedient the son was to trust his Father
and allow such a sacrifice – however he surely cried and asked his dad to find
another animal instead, how hard for Abraham to deny and obey God.
Solomon found favor with the Lord and when the
Lord asked him what he wanted he said ‘wisdom.’ Since he asked that, the Lord
also gave him riches and power. In 2010 Solomon would have spent one billion
575 million dollars just for the cedar to build the temple. Solomon paid
for it with a city but the guy didn’t like the city he was giving him so he
paid him cash. He had each city that specialized in something be in
charge of that thing. One city was known for ship building, one of horse
training, one for war, one for chariots, one for navy etc… Solomon’s yearly
income was $8,741,250,000. Queen of Sheba was amazed at the wealth of Solomon.
She said that it exceeded the rumors she had heard. A chariot would have
been $5000 and a horse would have been $1200 in 2010 since one shekel is ½
ounce of gold. 1 bath = 9 gallons of liquid so a twenty thousand baths of wine
is a lot. An LDS temple font holds 10,000 gallons of water but the font in (2
Chronicles 4) holds 16,000 gallons of water and had 12 oxen just like ours,
with 3 facing north, south, east and west.
Isaiah said that In the Last Days the Lord’s
house will be established in the ‘tops of the mountains’ – in Indian language
‘Utah’ literally means ‘tops of the mountains’ where our LDS church
headquarters is. I love how Isaiah describes our day and times.
(chapter 2) ‘neither is there any end of their chariots=cars (chapter
16) women make a tinkling with their feet = heels (chap
3) changeable suits of apparel= back in their day they had one
outfit to sleep in, work in, dress up in…they didn’t change their clothes that
often (chap 5) rise up early in the morning to follow strong drink=alcoholism
(chap 5) call evil good and good evil = false advertising and
also movies bad guys are portrayed as good guys (chap 5) horses hooks
like flint and wheels like a whirlwind = trains (chap 5) roaring
like young lions that lay hold of prey=planes. It was also said that 'Men's
sins would be shouted from the rooftops = (they did not know how to
explain an antennae on top of a roof to bring you the nightly news)
The point is that
those prophets saw our day and many died to bring us these scriptures that they
knew would bring us back to reality of our Eternal purpose on Earth. They knew
there would be so many distractions and decisions and choices. They didn’t know
the business of the whole world back in that day…it can become overwhelming to
know that much.
Heavenly Father wants
us to return to Him.
We live on Earth with
a veil on our eyes which is a limited paradigm. Even with all our sci-fi movies
our paradigms cannot stretch that far..only through reading the scriptures,
meditation and prayer can we get our paradigms in shape for His coming. I could
imagine Him looking at us saying…’do you like that shiny new car??? Well make
the Celestial Kingdom and I’ll show you a mode of transportation you could
never imagine.’ All that I have is yours to inherit – just stay focused on me
instead of listening to all the distractions Satan will try to put in front of
you and you’ll get there. Even if you mess up, My son Jesus Christ, died to pay
for those sins. Then just stay focused on me. Read my scriptures. Pray. Listen
to the Holy Ghost. You’ll know what to do.
At the End of My Year of Reading All the
Standard Works
My Scripture goal this
year was to read 7 pages a day and complete the Standard Works – by Dec
21st I had finished that goal and decided to take 2 weeks off
of Scripture reading. Dec 23rd I woke up starving, not for
food, but for the Sweet but Powerful Spirit that comes from reading the Lords
words. So I opened the ‘Ensign’ Conference Talks from the Lord’s Prophet and
Apostles on the Earth today... And…relief… I am full.
I am also full of joy
because I KNOW JESUS CHRIST more personally and understand
that there is no need to fear anything in the world
for HE has
overcome the world...
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