I was reading an article in the newspaper in which they
described that in the Pioneer times each woman had a crock with sourdough
culture in it. She had to work it every day because there was no fridge to put
it in, so she had to make bread every day.
Pioneer mothers would usually knead the dough on the wagon seat because
the back of the wagon was full and the seat was the only clear, flat spot.
The pioneers made their own yeast using potatoes. They would
borrow some yeast (a start as it was called) meaning a little bit of a yeast
culture, and then add potatoes and sugar so that the yeast would grow. As long as they kept the yeast alive, it
would continue to multiply and they had a good supply of yeast.
This article made me think, what if the pioneer woman did
not make bread that day and let the yeast die? Then their life source would
die. Each one of us may not have to make bread every single day to keep our
yeast alive, but we do need to read scriptures, attend the temple, have family
home evening and a collection of other commandments to obey in order to keep
our spiritual yeast alive so our spiritual life source does not dry up. We each
must have our DAILY BREAD OF LIFE.
Thus Jesus prayer to Heavenly Father applies to us this day
with our righteous works,
Father Give us This Day our Daily Bread of Righteousness and
may we do the works so that our spiritual bread will grow and never die.
Patti Miner
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