Be Aware….Listen to the Spirit….and Open Your
I left my planner on an airplane once. My planner was very important as
I was traveling a lot at that time and it had every schedule, phone number etc…
The next day was Sunday and I got a call from a Stewardess with a southern
accent. She started out by saying, “Do you want to know what you’re doing
tomorrow?” I was excited and asked if she found my planner. She said yes and she would fax me the next day and then
mail it to me. She hoped I didn’t mind when her and 4 other stewardesses looked
at it and loved how I did menu plans and individual dates with each of my kids
once a month…then she asked what VT / FHE and Temple meant that I had marked
off regularly. After 45 minutes she knew what they meant. As a thank you for
sending me back my most important book…I sent her The most important book to
me… the Book of Mormon with my testimony in it.
A month later I got a phone call from a young man who asked if I was
the lady who lost her planner on the airplane. I said yes and he said there
were 5 stewardesses who had something to tell me. He held the phone up and they
all shouted, “We’re getting baptized.”
When MeKette was still in Primary she wrote her testimony in a Book of
Mormon and the Primary Presidency mailed them out to different countries. A
year later we got a letter from a man in Africa
who had joined the church after receiving MeKette’s Book of Mormon and thanked
her for her sweet testimony.
At the Mrs. America Pageant I had gotten to my room first and was
unpacking when Mrs Alabama
arrived as my roommate. She dropped her bags and gasped when she saw my MRS
UTAH banner. She had an anti-mormon radio station and was her State BAPTIST
Women’s President. She bible bashed for
a few minutes and I as I was not expecting it I was quite taken back. Then the
spirit told me to stop and tell her my schedule. I told her how we go to Sunday School and
study the Bible. I told her about Primary/Relief Society/Priesthood and the
charity that the church does as well as our name is the Church of JESUS CHRIST
of Latter Day Saints. She then had an “ah-ha” experience and realized we were
Christian. After that we would hold early morning prayer with the other
contestants (46 of them attended) They called us by our state’s name so - ALABAMA would praise the Lord in Scripture
(she was loud like a full belt preacher) and UTAH would pray (since most did
not know how to pray except prayers preachers had written down for them.)
When I arrived home, I got a call from ALABAMA (Katrina White) saying that her and
her family and half her radio station had joined the church.
One day I was preparing to go to a wedding reception when a knock came
to the door. It was a young girl selling paintings. She noticed the painting of Christ in our living room and asked if I were
a Christian. She said she was from Israel and was Jewish. I told her I
was LDS and she said someone had given her a Book of Mormon a few weeks
earlier. She asked how to find out more about the religion. I told her I could
refer her to the missionaries - just
then two missionaries were tracking in the rain down our street (the
missionaries never tract down our street) I pointed to them and said, “Like
those two missionaries” Since I had a salesman at the door they went to my
neighbors house across the street. She asked how someone becomes a missionary.
I told her the Prophet of the World, just like Moses in his time, chooses where
they should go. She was fascinated and wanted to know more. I invited her
inside and ran across the street to get the missionaries. Upon hearing about her, the missionaries were
excited and came right over. They taught her the first discussion and set up an
additional appointment.
They came by the next day to thank me for the contact. I gave them the
addresses of all the other non-members in our ward that I had had on our
activities committee when I used to be the Ward Activities Chairman. (It is in the
handbook that you can have them on your committee.)