Sunday, October 27, 2013



I believe there is a Mathematic formula for Faith and receiving divine guidance.

D&C 8:2 Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.
(The Mind + the Heart = The condition the Holy Ghost can Communicate to you with your Whole Presence)

 D&C 88:15 And the spirit and the body are the soul of man.
(Thus the Spirit Plus the Body Equals the Soul of Man.)

Technology is amazing. To paraphrase Amy Jensen (BYU Communications)
Children and People in our Physical Presence are more important than Cell Phones....In Mass Communication Technology today we can project our souls across vast geographies. For example: My texting or emailing before or during a Meeting has an effect on my presence here. My iPhone allows me to divide my presence. While I may be seated here…part of my soul is back at the office with the email and another part of my soul is in the presence of the company I am texting miles away from the location of my body. Such dispersement of my Soul has prevented me on occasion of participating with Human Beings with my complete presence.”

Multi-tasking divides our presence. We need our complete presence right here and in the present time of now to truly experience our spiritual and physical life to the fullest.

We are here to develop our Faith thru our Sacraments to become like Heavenly Father.

 “A Sacrament could be any one of a number of gestures or acts or ordinances that Unite us with God and His limitless powers.  We are imperfect and mortal. He is Perfect and Immortal. But from time to time – indeed as often as possible and appropriate – we find ways and go to places and create circumstances where we can unite symbolically with Him, and in so doing gain access to His power.”  -Jeffery R Holland 1988

I believe there is a Mathematic formula for Faith and receiving divine guidance.

Body + the Mind + the Spirit = the Entire Soul Receiving guidance through the Holy Ghost…Combined with the Doctrine of the Sacrament which embodies the Atonement of Jesus Christ…Equals Faith with which all things are possible

Thursday, October 3, 2013


“The Holy Ghost purifies our hearts so we no longer have the desire to do evil.”

“The Holy Ghost will come to us only when we are faithful and desire help from this heavenly messenger.”

“The Holy Ghost sanctifies us to prepare us for God’s presence.”
“…And because of meekness and lowliness of heart cometh the visitation of the Holy Ghost, which Comforter filleth with hope and perfect love, which love endureth by diligence unto prayer, until the end shall come, when all the saints shall dwell with God.”
Moroni 8: 26

“To be worthy to have the help of the Holy Ghost, we must seek earnestly to obey the commandments of God. We must keep our thoughts and actions pure.”

“The gift of the Holy Ghost is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. It can bring peace to our hearts and a deeper understanding of the things of God.”

“…I am a man; and a man in the beginning was created after the image of God, and I am called by his Holy Spirit to teach these things unto this people, that they may be brought to a knowledge of that which is just and true.; And a portion of that Spirit dwelleth in me, which giveth me knowledge, and also power according to my faith and desires which are in God.” Alma 18: 34-35 

When You Have the Spirit

  1. You feel happy, calm and clear minded.
  2. Nobody can offend you.
  3. You are glad when others succeed.
  4. You feel in control – you don’t lose your temper easily; You don’t feel uncontrollable passion; You don’t overeat, or sleep too much; you don’t feel uncontrollably drawn to sensational entertainment
  5. You feel like praying.
  6. You wish you could keep all the Lord’s commandments.
  7. You are glad to attend your meetings and Participate in Church Activities.
  8. You wouldn’t mind everybody seeing what you’re doing.
  9. You are eager to be with people and want to make them happy.
  10. You feel generous.
  11. You think about the Savior often and lovingly, you want to know Him better.
  12. You feel confident and are glad to be alive.

When You Do Not Have the Spirit

  1. You feel unhappy, depressed, confused, and frustrated
  2. You feel possessive, self-centered, or resentful of demands made of you.
  3. You are easily offended.
  4. .You envy or resent the success of others.
  5. You avoid people, especially members of your family, and you are critical of Family Members and Church Authorities.
  6. You become secretive and evasive
  7. You don’t want to pray
  8. You find the commandments bothersome, restrictive, or senseless.
  9. You feel emotions & appetites so strongly that you fear you cannot control them; such as hate, jealousy, anger, fatigue, hunger, lust
  10. You hardly ever think of the Savior, He seems irrelevant to your life, or worse, part of a confusing system that seems to work against you.
  11. You get discouraged easily and wonder if life is really worth it.
  12. You don’t want to go to Church, to go home teaching, or take the sacrament. You wish you had another church job or no job at all.


Page 518 of ‘Jesus the Christ’ explains that Certain Greeks were visiting Christ.
To them Jesus testified that the hour of his death was near at hand. They were surprised and asked why there must be a sacrifice.

His answer was profound and was likened unto a seed.  “Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.”

After thinking about this…I thought….So therefore, if the fruit stay on the branch it will just stay there alone and do nothing good.
But if it falls to the ground and is sacrificed into a seed, it may be buried into the soil for a time but it will multiply and prosper and increase into another tree and more.

Christ had to be sacrificed for the Universe (us) to multiply and prosper and increase.

Therefore, we must be buried in toil (not soil) for us to sacrifice our time unto the Lord in his service so that we may multiply and prosper and increase.

It is founded upon a UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE.                            -Patti Miner

 Brad Wilcox Book “The Continuous Atonement” quotes:
  • I’ve been told the gospel is here to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
  • We have a Savior who covers us, a Redeemer who changes us and a Good Shepherd who is willing to go in search of us again and again continuously.
  • The new Priest who had to say the prayer over and over and over again – so even though the Sacrament prayers had to be perfect, and that expectation could not be lowered, the priest was given a 2nd chance, and a 3rd and as many times as it took.
  • Most have heard that you have to do your best and once you’ve done your best, Christ makes up the difference…He doesn’t just make up the difference…He makes ALL the difference. He requires us to repent, but not just as part of paying justice – only as part of helping us to change.
  • The Atonement cannot be used up, it doesn’t run out or expire. There is nothing on it that says ‘Best used by this date’ It will always be in force in our lives.
  • Were the 5000 that Christ fed ever hungry again? Was the sea calmed by Christ’s hand stirred by future storms? Yes  Repentance is a process. It is continuous.