Thursday, December 19, 2013

Mentally Strong People: The 13 Things They Avoid

I was impressed by this list compiled by Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker,  that she shared in LifeHack. I am sharing it on my blog because I found quite a few things that I could work on...

1.    Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves. You don’t see mentally strong people feeling sorry for their circumstances or dwelling on the way they’ve been mistreated. They have learned to take responsibility for their actions and outcomes, and they have an inherent understanding of the fact that frequently life is not fair. They are able to emerge from trying circumstances with self-awareness and gratitude for the lessons learned. When a situation turns out badly, they respond with phrases such as “Oh, well.” Or perhaps simply, “Next!”

2. Give Away Their Power. Mentally strong people avoid giving others the power to make them feel inferior or bad. They understand they are in control of their actions and emotions. They know their strength is in their ability to manage the way they respond.

3.    Shy Away from Change. Mentally strong people embrace change and they welcome challenge. Their biggest “fear,” if they have one, is not of the unknown, but of becoming complacent and stagnant. An environment of change and even uncertainty can energize a mentally strong person and bring out their best.

4. Waste Energy on Things They Can’t Control. Mentally strong people don’t complain (much) about bad traffic, lost luggage, or especially about other people, as they recognize that all of these factors are generally beyond their control. In a bad situation, they recognize that the one thing they can always control is their own response and attitude, and they use these attributes well.

5. Worry About Pleasing Others. Know any people pleasers?  Or, conversely, people who go out of their way to dis-please others as a way of reinforcing an image of strength? Neither position is a good one. A mentally strong person strives to be kind and fair and to please others where appropriate, but is unafraid to speak up. They are able to withstand the possibility that someone will get upset and will navigate the situation, wherever possible, with grace.

6. Fear Taking Calculated Risks. A mentally strong person is willing to take calculated risks. This is a different thing entirely than jumping headlong into foolish risks. But with mental strength, an individual can weigh the risks and benefits thoroughly, and will fully assess the potential downsides and even the worst-case scenarios before they take action.

7. Dwell on the Past. There is strength in acknowledging the past and especially in acknowledging the things learned from past experiences—but a mentally strong person is able to avoid miring their mental energy in past disappointments or in fantasies of the “glory days” gone by. They invest the majority of their energy in creating an optimal present and future.

8. Make the Same Mistakes Over and Over. We all know the definition of insanity, right? It’s when we take the same actions again and again while hoping for a different and better outcome than we’ve gotten before. A mentally strong person accepts full responsibility for past behavior and is willing to learn from mistakes. Research shows that the ability to be self-reflective in an accurate and productive way is one of the greatest strengths of spectacularly successful executives and entrepreneurs.

9. Resent Other People’s Success. It takes strength of character to feel genuine joy and excitement for other people’s success. Mentally strong people have this ability. They don’t become jealous or resentful when others succeed (although they may take close notes on what the individual did well). They are willing to work hard for their own chances at success, without relying on shortcuts.

10. Give Up After Failure. Every failure is a chance to improve. Even the greatest entrepreneurs are willing to admit that their early efforts invariably brought many failures. Mentally strong people are willing to fail again and again, if necessary, as long as the learning experience from every “failure” can bring them closer to their ultimate goals.

11. Fear Alone Time. Mentally strong people enjoy and even treasure the time they spend alone. They use their downtime to reflect, to plan, and to be productive. Most importantly, they don’t depend on others to shore up their happiness and moods. They can be happy with others, and they can also be happy alone.

12. Feel the World Owes Them Anything. Particularly in the current economy, executives and employees at every level are gaining the realization that the world does not owe them a salary, a benefits package and a comfortable life, regardless of their preparation and schooling. Mentally strong people enter the world prepared to work and succeed on their merits, at every stage of the game.

13. Expect Immediate Results. Whether it’s a workout plan, a nutritional regimen, or starting a business, mentally strong people are “in it for the long haul”. They know better than to expect immediate results. They apply their energy and time in measured doses and they celebrate each milestone and increment of success on the way. They have “staying power.” And they understand that genuine changes take time. Do you have mental strength? Are there elements on this list you need more of? With thanks to Amy Morin, I would like to reinforce my own abilities further in each of these areas today. How about you?


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I am thankful that the Lord gave us Self Healing Bodies…

The most incredible amazing part of the human body is the cell. All human life originally begins as one single cell, which then divides into many more cells, until a baby is born after nine months of cell division inside the mother's womb.

The cells in our bodies are endlessly working every second to bring us back to a natural state of wellness, or equilibrium. When we turn to medicine, vitamins, herbs, or physical adjustments of our body's systems to heal us, we are really only helping our bodies' natural ability to heal itself.

Each cell is a complete living unit that is constantly monitoring and adjusting its own processes, always working to restore itself to the original DNA code it was born with, to maintain balance within the body. Cells have the ability to heal themselves, as well as make new cells that replace those that have been damaged or destroyed. Even when a large number of cells are destroyed -- something that happens almost daily inside our bodies -- the cells around it replicate to make new cells, thereby replacing almost immediately the cells that were destroyed.Almost simultaneously, the process of new cell formation begins. These new cells originate mostly from the newer layers of cells of a particular tissue, while older cells are pushed to the site of the injury, to gradually fill the space that was made by the injury. This remarkable and complex process automatically stops when the healing is complete. This healing process is not just for injuries. It also takes care of normal, everyday wear and tear.

God in his infinite goodness, gave us these self healing bodies. Our gift to Him that we use our free agency that He also gave us, to choose Him to love and serve Him with Hearts, Might, Mind and Strength.


Friday, November 8, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013



I believe there is a Mathematic formula for Faith and receiving divine guidance.

D&C 8:2 Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.
(The Mind + the Heart = The condition the Holy Ghost can Communicate to you with your Whole Presence)

 D&C 88:15 And the spirit and the body are the soul of man.
(Thus the Spirit Plus the Body Equals the Soul of Man.)

Technology is amazing. To paraphrase Amy Jensen (BYU Communications)
Children and People in our Physical Presence are more important than Cell Phones....In Mass Communication Technology today we can project our souls across vast geographies. For example: My texting or emailing before or during a Meeting has an effect on my presence here. My iPhone allows me to divide my presence. While I may be seated here…part of my soul is back at the office with the email and another part of my soul is in the presence of the company I am texting miles away from the location of my body. Such dispersement of my Soul has prevented me on occasion of participating with Human Beings with my complete presence.”

Multi-tasking divides our presence. We need our complete presence right here and in the present time of now to truly experience our spiritual and physical life to the fullest.

We are here to develop our Faith thru our Sacraments to become like Heavenly Father.

 “A Sacrament could be any one of a number of gestures or acts or ordinances that Unite us with God and His limitless powers.  We are imperfect and mortal. He is Perfect and Immortal. But from time to time – indeed as often as possible and appropriate – we find ways and go to places and create circumstances where we can unite symbolically with Him, and in so doing gain access to His power.”  -Jeffery R Holland 1988

I believe there is a Mathematic formula for Faith and receiving divine guidance.

Body + the Mind + the Spirit = the Entire Soul Receiving guidance through the Holy Ghost…Combined with the Doctrine of the Sacrament which embodies the Atonement of Jesus Christ…Equals Faith with which all things are possible

Thursday, October 3, 2013


“The Holy Ghost purifies our hearts so we no longer have the desire to do evil.”

“The Holy Ghost will come to us only when we are faithful and desire help from this heavenly messenger.”

“The Holy Ghost sanctifies us to prepare us for God’s presence.”
“…And because of meekness and lowliness of heart cometh the visitation of the Holy Ghost, which Comforter filleth with hope and perfect love, which love endureth by diligence unto prayer, until the end shall come, when all the saints shall dwell with God.”
Moroni 8: 26

“To be worthy to have the help of the Holy Ghost, we must seek earnestly to obey the commandments of God. We must keep our thoughts and actions pure.”

“The gift of the Holy Ghost is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. It can bring peace to our hearts and a deeper understanding of the things of God.”

“…I am a man; and a man in the beginning was created after the image of God, and I am called by his Holy Spirit to teach these things unto this people, that they may be brought to a knowledge of that which is just and true.; And a portion of that Spirit dwelleth in me, which giveth me knowledge, and also power according to my faith and desires which are in God.” Alma 18: 34-35 

When You Have the Spirit

  1. You feel happy, calm and clear minded.
  2. Nobody can offend you.
  3. You are glad when others succeed.
  4. You feel in control – you don’t lose your temper easily; You don’t feel uncontrollable passion; You don’t overeat, or sleep too much; you don’t feel uncontrollably drawn to sensational entertainment
  5. You feel like praying.
  6. You wish you could keep all the Lord’s commandments.
  7. You are glad to attend your meetings and Participate in Church Activities.
  8. You wouldn’t mind everybody seeing what you’re doing.
  9. You are eager to be with people and want to make them happy.
  10. You feel generous.
  11. You think about the Savior often and lovingly, you want to know Him better.
  12. You feel confident and are glad to be alive.

When You Do Not Have the Spirit

  1. You feel unhappy, depressed, confused, and frustrated
  2. You feel possessive, self-centered, or resentful of demands made of you.
  3. You are easily offended.
  4. .You envy or resent the success of others.
  5. You avoid people, especially members of your family, and you are critical of Family Members and Church Authorities.
  6. You become secretive and evasive
  7. You don’t want to pray
  8. You find the commandments bothersome, restrictive, or senseless.
  9. You feel emotions & appetites so strongly that you fear you cannot control them; such as hate, jealousy, anger, fatigue, hunger, lust
  10. You hardly ever think of the Savior, He seems irrelevant to your life, or worse, part of a confusing system that seems to work against you.
  11. You get discouraged easily and wonder if life is really worth it.
  12. You don’t want to go to Church, to go home teaching, or take the sacrament. You wish you had another church job or no job at all.


Page 518 of ‘Jesus the Christ’ explains that Certain Greeks were visiting Christ.
To them Jesus testified that the hour of his death was near at hand. They were surprised and asked why there must be a sacrifice.

His answer was profound and was likened unto a seed.  “Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.”

After thinking about this…I thought….So therefore, if the fruit stay on the branch it will just stay there alone and do nothing good.
But if it falls to the ground and is sacrificed into a seed, it may be buried into the soil for a time but it will multiply and prosper and increase into another tree and more.

Christ had to be sacrificed for the Universe (us) to multiply and prosper and increase.

Therefore, we must be buried in toil (not soil) for us to sacrifice our time unto the Lord in his service so that we may multiply and prosper and increase.

It is founded upon a UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE.                            -Patti Miner

 Brad Wilcox Book “The Continuous Atonement” quotes:
  • I’ve been told the gospel is here to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
  • We have a Savior who covers us, a Redeemer who changes us and a Good Shepherd who is willing to go in search of us again and again continuously.
  • The new Priest who had to say the prayer over and over and over again – so even though the Sacrament prayers had to be perfect, and that expectation could not be lowered, the priest was given a 2nd chance, and a 3rd and as many times as it took.
  • Most have heard that you have to do your best and once you’ve done your best, Christ makes up the difference…He doesn’t just make up the difference…He makes ALL the difference. He requires us to repent, but not just as part of paying justice – only as part of helping us to change.
  • The Atonement cannot be used up, it doesn’t run out or expire. There is nothing on it that says ‘Best used by this date’ It will always be in force in our lives.
  • Were the 5000 that Christ fed ever hungry again? Was the sea calmed by Christ’s hand stirred by future storms? Yes  Repentance is a process. It is continuous.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Parents should help their Children to to be innocent and happy. Happiness is a Choice

I truly believe that childhood should be a time of innocence, joy, playfulness, happiness, and lots of love.
Children do not deserve to go through our nervous breakdown with us.
Life happens, Bad things happen and we feel bad, sad, depressed…etc…
We should not take it out emotionally on our children. Let me explain:
Children are sensitive to us. 
This equates all the way up for different ages. We are all sensitive to our parents. Examples:
In the manuals for toddlers for Nursery…usually if the parent drops off the child and has a giant guilt trip and feels really worried that the child will like it…then the child senses their parents fear and cries. If you want your child to truly love nursery then drop them off excited for them and leave...then have your worry or guilt trip out in the hall. You will save them a lot of grief.
This is also why I always bought myself a Christmas Present to open every year in front of the kids just in case I didn’t get one so I wouldn’t ruin Christmas for them. (I always got one and never put it under the tree...but it was just in case I needed to pull it out) I didn’t want them to feel bad that I didn’t get something and was excited also. I was truly excited for them to open their gifts every year…I could care less if I got a gift. The Savior's love plus Their joy WAS my gift….but they were sensitive to me and I wanted to make sure they were truly joyful without doubt or worry about how I felt during this glorious season.
An example of how we experience or view things as a child vs things as an adult:
When I was a child my mom and dad left me at my aunt and uncles to be raised for my own health.    
My aunt is a very giving person and she gave them fruit from her garden that had been bottled. Those bottles took up the place in the car where I had been sitting. The child in my mind equated that to thinking that I had been traded for bottled fruit. After that time, I hated eating bottled fruit. It would physically make me sick for years and years until my adult mind figured out why. Our child like minds perceive differently and personally. So if we are going through a difficult time emotionally (someone hurts our feelings, death, divorce etc….) and when we are depressed, lifeless and without emotion when we are around our children…they can equate that in all sorts of child mind ways; perhaps that we don’t love them, perhaps that we don’t think they are fun to be around, perhaps that we think they are too dumb to enjoy our company….etc…  it almost always hurts them in some way.
So, when we experience a hard time….We need to shake it off and enjoy our children while they are children and ‘to infinity and beyond’ as Buzz  Lightyear would say.
My mother was a wonderful example of that:
My dad was a cool and smart man when he was sober…..but….When I was little my dad would drink alcohol and come home and beat mom and the kids. The emotion was scary and intense…but after he would leave, my mom would assess the damage and if there were no broken bones..etc…then she would excitedly say, “Let’s change the mood in this home!” and she would honky tonk the piano and we would all dance around in joy and delight. What a wonderful woman she was.  
That proved to me that Happiness is a Choice. So choose to be happy for Kids Sake.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

God Bless America

In honor of 9/11 May we remember and pray for all families
who have lost someone they love.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Deep & Wide Music Video

Music Video by Patti Miner

"Your love is to me like a clear blue mountain stream. Just like mama sang, it's Deep & Wide"

Monday, August 5, 2013

All Creation Speaks of God


Here are at least 16 scientific reasons in the creation of our Earth 
that if off even a degree would not sustain life. 
These scientific facts alone should indeed prove 
that there had to be a great design on the part of a supreme creator.

  1. The Earth must be positioned exactly where it is in the Milky Way and have two gas giants; Jupiter and Saturn to protect the Earth from cataclysmic destruction.
  2.  If we were 5% closer to the Sun we would have a runaway Green House Effect like Venus up to 900 degrees
  3.  If we were 20% farther we would have carbon dioxide clouds creating ice similar to Mars.
  4. If our Sun was not the size it is and was smaller, (like 90% of the stars in the galaxy) Earth would be locked into the Sun’s rotation thus one side hot and one side cold.
  5. If our Moon was not stabilized at 23.5 degree tilt it would not allow the seasons and also have cataclysmic destruction.
  6. If our Earth was spinning too fast or too slow, or our magnetic field was weaker it would allow the solar wind to strip away our atmosphere.
  7. If our Earth was a circular orbit and not a ‘near circular orbit’ it would not be ideal for human life as well.
  8. The liquid on our planet is perfect to absorb and retain heat from the sun to regulate the Earth’s surface temperature, protect it from harmful radiation and yet
  9. The liquid is capable of transporting nutrients to all living things.
  10. The liquid water on our planet differs from most other liquids on other planets – it is most dense at 4 degrees Celsius and not as solid as most planets liquid
  11. Our atmosphere is the perfect mix of oxygen and nitrogen, enough for respiration and fire, but not explosive. 
  12. Strong magnetic field requires molten metal core- ours is iron, and protects us from radiation. If the Earth had a smaller magnetic field it would be too weak and would allow the solar wind to strip away our atmosphere and turn it into a barren wasteland like Mars.
  13. Our Atmosphere protects us from harmful radiation, yet it allows only the special radiation crucial for life to come through
  14. Plate Tectonics regulate the interior temperatures and re-cycles the carbon and mixes chemical elements essential for life. It also shapes the continents.
  15. The Strength of Gravity has to be exact to hold us to the planet yet allowing our movement.
  16. The specific Electromagnetic frequencies that enable plants to manufacture food –it represents less than 1 trillionth of a trillionth of the Universe’s normal range of  Electromagnetic emissions. It protects us from the solar winds and radiations. There is even a back up barrier in case any harmful emissions get through the first one. Then those emissions are directed towards the two poles to protect the rest of the land mass. (Sometimes we can see them - Thus the Northern Lights) 
Charles Darwin said, “If you believe in God your entire life and there isn’t a God, you have wasted a lifetime. If you don’t believe in God your entire life and there is, you have wasted an eternity.”

 I know there is a God who created this Earth and is my Heavenly Father and I love Him very much and I know that He loves me and each and everyone one of us…His children.
Patti Miner

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Here is my YouTube Video with my Prayer for America
God Please Bless America!

Patti Singing “God Bless America”

Wednesday, June 12, 2013



They didn’t have tractors back in the day………they had a guy with a bag of seeds called   ‘the sower’
This ‘sower’ was WISE – he had knowledge and was smart to use his knowledge therefore…wise.
This ‘sower’ had EXCELLENT SEEDS – the Gospel is the best seeds that I know of.
He was HIGHLY AMBITIOUS = he went to work.

1- seeds fell by the WAYSIDE = so you have a new investigator and on Friday he tells you that he is excited to come to church on Sunday…but he doesn’t come…what happened?  The BIRDS done got him.  Perhaps his brother-in-law said, ‘wait you can’t miss poker Sunday with the boys.’ His plumber says, “Wait, I heard that was the church of the devil.” . What do you do? You could chase the birds…but if you leave the field you aren’t planting anymore… What did the sower do?

2- seeds fell in STONY PLACES  = so you have a new convert that just joined the church and comes for 3 Sundays and then doesn’t show up any more after that…you say “I was sure he’d last at least a month?…what happened?  SCORCHED, FIRST HOT DAY WITHERS AND DIES…not fellowshipped. What do you do? Get the members to fellow ship them…. What did the sower do?

3- seeds fell upon THORNS = new convert joins and CHOKED..TOO BUSY WITH THE CARES OF LIFE…deceit of worldly riches instead of spiritual riches, too busy with worldly pleasures, boating, vacations. Some people Major in Minor things. What did the sower do?

4- seeds fell on GOOD GROUND and brought forth GOOD FRUIT =  joined the church, had a testimony and stayed active…= if you keep sowing long enough you will be successful.
The law of averages were even displayed with the GOOD FRUIT...some produced 30% some 60% and some 100%.....

How could a loving GOD allow Bad things to happen to Good People?

I am often asked “How could a loving God allow Bad things to happen to Good People?”  Here is the shortest way that I can answer that.
In the pre-existence we were Intelligences and then we were spiritually born of Heavenly Father. We had progressed as far as we could as Spirit Children and wanted to progress farther. A Loving Father in Heaven saw this and presented a Plan of Salvation where we could accomplish this. Two thirds of us chose His Plan and came to Earth to receive our bodies and go through Trials by Faith to see if we would continue to choose His plan over and over again regardless of what trials we would have to face. Earth time is very short compared to God’s time so we are only here minutes to Him. The most important part of this plan was our Free Agency. No one could take this away from us…it was a Gift. God has given us EVERYTHING. The only gift we can possibly give Him back is our Agency to choose to be with Him and try to become Like Him.
While we are on Earth, we are all here bumping into the Free Agency of other People, the Free Agency of Nature, the Free Agency of Disease, the Free Agency of all Life… Our job is to continue to choose God in all that we come upon and endure through it all.
Our reaction to these trials are more important than what the trials themselves actually are. We need to eventually develop empathy for others, patience, kindness, and become spiritually great as a true child of Deity should become.
It will be difficult…but it will be worth it. We will be filled with Joy to Return to Heavenly Father to work in His Kingdom and Increase Forever.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

GROW STRONG- Music & Lyrics by Patti Miner

Click to view Music Video

Learn from the Redwoods, Grass, Roses, Cactus, Icebergs and all nature.
We must grow above the thorns, or wind, or sand though roots are torn.
Search for Power Deep Inside to Build Belief and Change the Tide.

To Know Where We Belong and Grow Strong.


Words and Music by Patti Miner

Verse 1            Look at the Redwoods whose roots are small
                        Yet, intertwined they grow so tall
                        Look at the mountain whose range is wide
                        Yet, rising high on every side

Chorus             So High and Wide
                        They build strength deep inside
                        To know where they belong
                        And Grow Strong

Verse 2            Look at the Red Rose whose thorns extend
                        Yet blossoms bloom on every end
                        Only a blade of grass a tiny strand
                        And yet in mass it covers land

Chorus             So High and Wide
                        They build strength deep inside
                        To know where they belong
                        And Grow Strong

Verse 3            A Cactus grows on sands so dry
                        For water deep reserves supply
                        And iceberg flows against the wind
                        For currents deep move from within

Chorus             So High and Wide
                        They build strength deep inside
                        To know where they belong
                        And Grow Strong

Verse 4            We must grow above the thorns
                        Or wind, or sand, though roots are torn
                        Search for power deep inside
                        To build belief and change the tide

Chorus             So High and Wide
                        We build strength deep inside
                        To know where we belong
                        And Grow Strong

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Poem "The Mighty Oak"

For a perspective when things get difficult
Here is a poem that our son Brock loved and memorized on his mission:
“The Mighty Oak” 
A mighty wind blew night and day. It stole the oak trees leaves away
Then snapped its boughs and pulled its bark, Until the oak was tired and stark
But still the oak tree held its ground, While other trees fell all around
The weary wind gave up and spoke, “How can you still be standing oak?”
The oak tree said, “I know that you can break each branch of mine into
Carry every leaf away, Shake my limbs and make me sway
But I have roots stretched in the earth Growing stronger since my birth
You’ll never touch them, for you see They are the deepest part of me
Until today I wasn’t sure of just how much I could endure

But now I’ve found, with thanks to you, I’m stronger than I ever knew.”

Monday, May 13, 2013

Unrealistic Expectations-POEM

We often have Unrealistic Expectations of life. We want it fast, now and throw it away if it doesn't work.
Here is a poem showing how silly it all is.

By Patti Miner

eat anything you want
but stay as thin as can be
always travel and stay busy
but be ever neighborly

follow all the trends
but don't fall for every fad
make lots of extra money
but be a perfect dad

when you're sick you take a pill
but side effects then make you ill
so another pill you then take
this continues til you break

a house that's warm in winter

and cooler when it's hot
compact cars with lots of leg room
from the best line at the top

news in the morning
and better news at night
seems our expectations
are completely out of sight

if you find an answer
i hope that you'll tell me
extensive words of wisdom
but of course, i hope it's free

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Learn to Develop your Super Power -FAITH

Each of us have Spiritual Gifts or Super Powers if you will that have been given to us by a loving Heavenly Father.  We should study and learn all we can to develop these Super Powers.
If you don't already know what those Super Powers are.....Most members of the LDS church have been given a Patriarchal Blessing which clearly tells you which gift or gifts you have been given.
Now it is up to you to 

If you choose not to develop is like the analogy of being on an all paid cruise ship and not realizing that all the food is you pack some cans of soup or beans and eat that food instead.

Every Gift is HUGH....for Example: Say you've been given the gift of Faith...

Just one example of a gift: With the power of FAITH the size of a Mustard Seed...You could move a mountain. We can seek for all gifts .

Faith is an action and a power.
Alma 32:21 “If ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen which are true”
So whenever we work toward a worthy goal we exercise faith. We show our hope for something that we cannot yet see. 
Faith is like a muscle that we need to exercise in order to develop. If we use this muscle it will grow strong but if we do not use it, it will become weak and unable to move.
Other thoughts on FAITH
Ø Faith is the moving cause of all action both temporal and spiritual
Ø Faith is not only a principle of action but of power
Ø Faith is a great governing principle which has power, dominion and authority over all things.
Some simple examples of faith:
·        I learned about Faith from the Wizard of Oz – Everyone had faith in the Wizard and were quite disappointed when they found out that he was just a man. In the end, Dorothy finds out that the ruby slipper she wore had the power to help her get back home, but she didn’t believe or have faith that it would work until she had conquered the wicked witch.
·        In the movie Star Wars Yoda is the master of Faith (the Force) where he pulls the ship out of the water – Luke says, “I don’t believe it” Yoda says, “That young Skywalker is why you couldn’t do it’ 
·        Norman Vincent Peale wrote in his very famous book, The Power of Positive Thinking, which was all about how if you believed in something, you could make it happen.
·        So if you WANT anything, you have to BELIEVE in it- Work on it (applied wisdom) and that gives you FAITH. So what is it that is the most important thing that we should want Faith in?

But the true Power of Faith comes when we develop our Faith in our Savior Jesus Christ. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the Most Important Faith we must have.
Faith in Jesus: Article of Faith #4 states that “We believe the first principles and ordinances are first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.”
1-    He created the Earth  - John 1:1-3, 14 “In the beginning was the Word (Jesus) and the Word was with God, and the Word was a God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”      (Jesus the Christ p 6) We affirm, on the authority of Holy Scripture, that the Being who is known among men as Jesus of Nazareth and by all who acknowledge His Godhood as Jesus the Christ, existed with the Father prior to birth in the flesh; and that in the preexistent state He was chosen and ordained to be the one and only Savior and Redeemer of the human race.
2-    He came to Earth in the Flesh and performed many miracles. One miracle was that He walked on water, Peter walked on water while he had his eyes focused on the Savior, but when he looked away at the wind or water, that is when he began to sink
3-    Right after hearing that His beloved cousin John the Baptist was beheaded, he was grieving and exhausted so he went to an island alone. The people had followed Him and though His disciples wanted the people to leave, Jesus bid them stay and fed all 5000 men (not counting women and children) with only2 fishes and 5 loaves.
4-    Jesus suffered all things to pay the price so we do not have to go through them. I had a Seminary teacher once who tried to explain the Atonement. He held up a flashlight and said this represents the Light within us. This toothpick represents our sins. He held up the flashlight in front of the toothpick and it cast quite a big shadow. Then he turned on an overhead projector and said this represents the Savior’s light. If you take that same sin or toothpick and put it in front of a more powerful light such as an overhead projector, the rays of light are so great that it bends around the toothpick and thus no longer casts a shadow. So it is with Christ’s light which increased with the Atonement as to overshadow the sins and cares of the entire population of all mankind. Thus Faith in our Savior is incredibly important to attaining our Salvation and Eternal Increase. 
5-    Mosiah 3:17  “There shall be no other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ the Lord Omnipotent


James 2: 17 “Even so Faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.”  So how do we do we do that?
Well, When my internet went down the other day I called for assistance and they said to check the power cords, reboot the battery.
When you Search and read the Holy Scriptures, I don’t know that it matters the page number or story you are on….I feel that it is like a giant power socket that you have just plugged into. It puts you in the right paradigm/frame of mind to see the world with glasses from the Light of Christ. This helps your problems, your world, your life to come into focus so you have the knowledge of what to do.

Ponder – Take time to think about what you read, make it real and listen to the Holy Spirit and how it can apply to you in your life.  Don’t turn on that tv, radio or other reading material too soon before receiving what it is the Lord would have you know.
In war one of the biggest tactics for the enemy to post is to knock out the communication of the troops with their leaders so they are isolated and do not know the current plan of action. That is what Satan would have us do. He would love to have us fill up our lives with things that keep us from communicating and building our faith in our Savior, Head and Leader Jesus Christ. Oh these things that we may be involved in may be good in and of themselves but sometimes they just take up our time and prevent us from knowing our current plan of action for these the last days in where there is so much of the Lords work to do to prepare for His coming. And That is of ultimate importance.” Thus we need to communicate with our Leader, Commander in Chief, Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through the connection of the Holy Ghost and we need to…
Pray. We need to directly communicate with our Father in Heaven. The connection was paid for by our Savior Jesus Christ.

Just one example of a gift: With the power of FAITH the size of a Mustard Seed...You could move a mountain. We can seek for all gifts .

So what are you waiting for....MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN!!
Develop your DIVINE POTENTIAL and become a SUPER POWER for the LORD.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

I Hope that I can be Taken for Granted -DEPENDABLE

I used to think that being Taken for Granted was a bad thing...that you weren't appreciated or ignored...

However, I have recently come to learn the importance of the great honor it is to be Taken for Granted, that others can trust you and not worry.

If you are Taken for Granted in School it means that your teacher and classmates will not have to worry about your behavior or the fact that you will turn your homework in on time or that you will do well on tests. It means that you always get along with others and are fair with them.

If You are Taken for Granted by the people you Work with or for, that just means that they can depend on you without worry that you will do your job to the best of your ability. It means that you will be on time or early, that you will guard your responsibilities with care and that you will have the back of the company or employees which means that you will speak highly of them to others and be a good representative of the company.  Also, If you are really good at something people can Take you for Granted the fact that you will do an extraordinary job.

If you are Taken for Granted as a Spouse, it means that your spouse can count on you to always love them with all your heart and do and say everything with their best interests at heart. 

It is wonderful if your spouse can Take you for Granted when they get sick that you will take care of them and guard their sleep with silence so they can get well and watch over them to take them to the doctor if necessary. Also when you are sick you could trust that they would do your chores or take care of your responsibilities so that you would not have to worry about them while you heal.

Being Taken for Granted by your spouse means you can respect their wishes to change the little things that they want done. Perhaps it is just who does the dishes, or how clean they want the home or the noise level they prefer…but that you respect and honor their wishes right away without argument just because you honor, respect and love them. It means you are dependable to do your chores around the house that you have both decided upon. Or that you notice the little things that they desire and pick up on their verbal and non-verbal clues to put them first and do all that you can do to assure their happiness.

If you are Taken for Granted as a Spouse, it means that you have their back in public. Your partner does not have to worry whether you will do something to embarrass you or put you on the spot or whether you will say something private about them in front of others or behind their back.

It means that when you communicate or talk about anything that they do not need to worry that you would ever blame, threaten or belittle them, But that you would always validate their points and talk it out until you were both happy with the agreement. It means that if you have worked out the budget, a schedule or routine that you both honor, respect and live that decision.

If you are Taken for Granted as a Spouse it means that you honor and respect their ideas, concerns and can truly listen to them and that they can count on you to validate their feelings without a volatile reaction. It means that you listen with love and work together with love to resolve ANY issues…since marriage is all about tackling life's problems with an equal partner.

If you are Taken for Granted as a Parent, your children should be able to Take for Granted the fact that you will make sure they have food, shelter and clothing at all times during all the cross roads of their lives. They should Take for Granted that you will pick them up or drop them off on time to their events. That you will attend their events with joy and they should be able to Take for Granted that you will always say positive words of encouragement, and not embarrass them in front of others, because you know how the world may try to tear them down…and you are the main ones to build them up so they can have confidence. And that you will listen to them and nurture them and help them to grow, learn and be someone who could also be Taken for Granted to do their part someday.

It is wonderful to be Taken for Granted by your associates, your spouse, your children and others because that means that you do your part well and no one has to worry about you finishing or doing that which needs to be done. So if you ever say, "Sorry that I take you for Granted.".....I will just say, "Thank you for the compliment."

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


EXCUSES:  Oft times we use excuses not to do something we know we should. This causes a lack of self-esteem which equals stress and unhappiness.

EXAMPLE: Going to church is an individual thing. We are all here to work out our individual PERSONAL salvation. When we go to church for our own spiritual uplift we will be filled.  

Here are some excuses one might use not to go to church...
But if we used it in a different context of not going to the movies we realize how silly these excuses are since we all go to the movies for our own PERSONAL entertainment:
1.      I don’t go to the movies because the manager of the theatre has never talked to  me and I don’t think he likes me.
2.      I did go to the movies once but no one spoke to me and so I think that the people in that theatre are not very friendly.
3.      Not all the people who go to the movies live up to the high standards of the film.
4.      I went to the movies so much as a child that I don’t think I really ever need to go again.
5.      The movies are on the weekend and it’s the only time I have to be with my family and friends.